This week, first, we saw a last time subject about A.I. and second, this week we learn about HCI(human-computer interaction). HCI key point people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people and key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. HCI related point are ethics, aesthetics & teleology and design.
And we saw a video about history HCI. that video is very fun. and we learned about history of HCI as tools, people. we learned until now about Vannevar Bush's memex, J.C.R. Licklider's computer networking, agents, Ivan Sutherland's sketchpad, Doug Engelbart's mouse, GUI, word processing, etc. Ted Nelson's hypertext, Alan Kay's object-oriented programming, laptops and we saw about history of HCI as tools, systems. about Memex: 1945 (concept), Sketchpad 1963, NLS (oNLine System) - 1963-68, Xerox Alto 1972, Xerox Star 1981, Apple Lisa 1983, Mac 1984, NeXT 1988, Macintosh Powerbook 1991, WWW ~1994. and we talk about where does HCI meet AI?, and history of HCI as tools: funding, Johnstone’s “algorithm”. and ethnomethodology. ethnomethodology definition is the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world, a fairly recent sociological perspective, founded by the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology" (1967). and we saw about brief skipping interesting research topics hci and film 1,2,3. that film are very interesting and funny.
This week study is a very interesting. because, many interesting video! and...... make a like animation. that animation is very interesting! I'll try to make a this like some animation!
2008년 4월 27일 일요일
2008년 4월 12일 토요일
6th week summary
Last week, we learned about social networks. as science, as technology, as popular culture, as art. and this week, we learned and talk about artificial intelligence. we lead about 'computing machinery and intelligence' by Alan Turing. who is Alan Turing? he is a founder of comp
uter science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man. we saw a invent by Alan Turing and his lifetime. and we thinking about artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence definition is a both the intellogece of machines and the branch of comeputer science which aims to create it. another definition is a the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans. and we learned about artificial intelligence as research areas. and we thinking about planning as a technical problem. problem that while there is no universally accepted definition of intelligence, AI researchers have studied several traits that are considered essential, and a problem with ai planning is a the agent can assume that it is the only thing acting on the world and it can be certain what the consequences of its actions may be. however, if this is not true, it must periodically check if the world matches its predictions and it must change its plan as this becomes necessary, requiring the agent to reason under uncertainty. multi agent planning tries to determine the best plan for a community of agent, using cooperation and competition to achieve a given goal. emergent behavior such as this is used by both evolutionary algorithms and swarm intelligence.

this week, we saw a simple movie about A.I, that is..... actually same happen in the future. we have a mid-term test next weekend. I'm worry about test... but in order to receive a good score, I will endeavor.
2008년 4월 4일 금요일
5th week summary
This week, first, we saw about last time subject and so far key point. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks.. we learned about Hypertext, World Wide Web...and so on. and second, this week we learned about social networks.
This week key points are new media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people and when new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationship
s. we talk many way about social networks. for exemple, as science and technology, popular culture and art. in order to understand a subject easily, we saw some of picture. in the social network as science, history picture by J.L. Moreno (1934) Friendship and kinship (family) studies. circle like same shape, it connects each related with the line. this type of picture, we learned about social network as science with history, equivalence, centrality, bridges, social capital, bowling alone... and so on.

And we saw a social networks as technology. we use a internet. in the internet, we use a search engines, e-mail and webblog! hmm... when thought it tries, also this blog is a social network! also, e-mail is a social network. look around, we find a many thing about social networks. and so many picture about social network as art. some picture of art that is bottom picture.

we use internet many time. using a internet, we saw a many social network. but we don't recognize. frankly, I don't recognize some... cyworld! and e-mail! and webblog! about social network. we learned about social network. so think about social network many time. next time, we will learn about artificial intelligence. What is mean a artificial intelligence??
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