2008년 4월 4일 금요일

5th week summary

This week, first, we saw about last time subject and so far key point. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks.. we learned about Hypertext, World Wide Web...and so on. and second, this week we learned about social networks.
This week key points are new media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people and when new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships. we talk many way about social networks. for exemple, as science and technology, popular culture and art. in order to understand a subject easily, we saw some of picture. in the social network as science, history picture by J.L. Moreno (1934) Friendship and kinship (family) studies. circle like same shape, it connects each related with the line. this type of picture, we learned about social network as science with history, equivalence, centrality, bridges, social capital, bowling alone... and so on.

And we saw a social networks as technology. we use a internet. in the internet, we use a search engines, e-mail and webblog! hmm... when thought it tries, also this blog is a social network! also, e-mail is a social network. look around, we find a many thing about social networks. and so many picture about social network as art. some picture of art that is bottom picture.
we use internet many time. using a internet, we saw a many social network. but we don't recognize. frankly, I don't recognize some... cyworld! and e-mail! and webblog! about social network. we learned about social network. so think about social network many time. next time, we will learn about artificial intelligence. What is mean a artificial intelligence??

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