Last week, we learned about social networks. as science, as technology, as popular culture, as art. and this week, we learned and talk about artificial intelligence. we lead about 'computing machinery and intelligence' by Alan Turing. who is Alan Turing? he is a founder of comp
uter science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man. we saw a invent by Alan Turing and his lifetime. and we thinking about artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence definition is a both the intellogece of machines and the branch of comeputer science which aims to create it. another definition is a the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans. and we learned about artificial intelligence as research areas. and we thinking about planning as a technical problem. problem that while there is no universally accepted definition of intelligence, AI researchers have studied several traits that are considered essential, and a problem with ai planning is a the agent can assume that it is the only thing acting on the world and it can be certain what the consequences of its actions may be. however, if this is not true, it must periodically check if the world matches its predictions and it must change its plan as this becomes necessary, requiring the agent to reason under uncertainty. multi agent planning tries to determine the best plan for a community of agent, using cooperation and competition to achieve a given goal. emergent behavior such as this is used by both evolutionary algorithms and swarm intelligence.

this week, we saw a simple movie about A.I, that is..... actually same happen in the future. we have a mid-term test next weekend. I'm worry about test... but in order to receive a good score, I will endeavor.
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