This week, we learned about public & privacy. public & privacy? It thinks, it is a samething or different. public mean –a. the quality or state of being apart from company or observation –b. SECLUSION: freedom from unauthorized intrusion and privacy mean . If you have privacy , you are in a place or situation which allows you to do things without other people seeing you or disturbing you. history of and surveillance today, close watch kept over someone or something. Etymology: French, from surveiller to watch over, from sur- + veiller to watch, from Latin vigilare, from vigil watchful. “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” technologies of surveillance and from surveillance to dataveillance. and what are the connections between the public and the private? Gramsci on the distinction between civil society and economic sphere. and we saw a digital media versus computer science. digital media studies - some architectures (e.g., democratic ones) are best designed to be inefficient and computer science - efficiency is almost always considered to be a virtue: efficient architectures are usually good architectures. and we saw a lessig on architecture. we saw a video and picture. that are so interesting. that is like public & privacy. life where less is monitored is a life more private, and life where less can (legally perhaps) be searched is also a life more private. architectures of privacy is from doors, windows and fences to wires, networks, wireless networks, databases and search engines. and we thought about cookies. what's a cookies? that are information that a web server stores on the machine running a web browser. also cookies are public & privacy.
this class, learned about public & privacy. above it referred, public & privacy is a samething or different. this two things are very special relationship.
sorry Professor. I'm late summary.
2008년 6월 6일 금요일
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